Image to illustrate the new StateUp report Cities that Thrive on Public Financial Innovation and Urban Resilience.

Cities That Thrive: Public Financial Innovation as a Catalyst for Urban Resilience

Cities That Thrive: Public Financial Innovation as a Catalyst for Urban Resilience StateUp, in collaboration with Visa and the Resilient Cities Network, and as part of their Future Ready Cities initiative, is excited to announce the release of our new joint research report, “Cities That Thrive: Public Financial Innovation as a Catalyst for Urban Resilience.” Introduction By 2050, the vast …

The air is orange with smoke. Palm trees are just visible through the smoke.

Silent Crisis Report Now Available in Arabic

StateUp is pleased to announce that our groundbreaking report, Silent Crisis: information, decision-making, and communities on the frontlines of climate change, is now available in Arabic. This significant step can contribute to building awareness, and creating new policies and information ecosystems connecting policymakers with communities already experiencing significant climate change impacts. Understanding the Local Impact Silent Crisis, commissioned by Internews …

A man walking through dried mud in a drought

Silent Crisis: New report reveals urgent information needs on frontlines of climate crisis

Silent Crisis, our new report on information, decision-making, and communities on the frontlines of climate change, is out today. Join us at COP28 on 4th December for the launch of Silent Crisis. Joining details here. Commissioned by Internews and developed in collaboration with ODI, the report documents profound climate impacts that are already being felt around the world today and …