
Announcing The New PPT Ideas Forum


Announcing The New PPT Ideas Forum

StateUp is thrilled to announce the launch of The New PPT, the ideas forum for Public-Purpose Technology. This forum draws together the most exciting, inspiring, thought-provoking—and sometimes contrarian—perspectives on technology that serves a big public need, and the public policies, organisations, cultures, investments, and business models around it.

The pandemic, the climate crisis, and the fragility of our social contracts has emphasised an urgent need to better understand how to make the most of public-purpose technology. To meet this need, The New PPT invites the growing public-purpose tech community to partake in a high-quality, evolving, public conversation.

Dr. Tanya Filer, founder and CEO of StateUp, begins by raising the question, is public-purpose tech at a tipping point?

Join the conversation here.